The promotion of the environmental, economic, and social sustainability culture is the guiding star of our corporate purpose. Sustainability guides us in assisting our customers, in promoting opportunities for reflection involving the public and above all in the way we conduct our own company. As a benefit corporation we are required to produce and public an annual impact report that describes the choices and actions implemented by the company in order to pursue the aims of common benefit. Here are a few of our goals:

We publish GreenGo News, an online magazine where to find high-quality in-depth information about environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Through this mag we aim to involve personalities from the world of economics, education, business, and institutions in order to promote a premium sustainability culture and make it easily accessible.

We firmly believe that events and educational meetings can be valuable opportunities for discussion and knowledge. On one hand we therefore organize and promote our own events in line with our sustainability philosophy and on the other we take part for free as speakers to meetings and educational events of particular relevance from a cultural and social point of view.

Every year we offer a special sustainability project to one city free of charge. We try to make associations, citizens and professionals work together with the aim to promote the transformation of one or more urban areas towards social, economic and enviromental sustainability concrete goals.